Friday, February 1, 2008

The Paper Chase

In her words: Miscelena Handmade Papercrafts
Born into a family full of crafty (in the best sense!) women, my mom taught me the value of a hand-written greeting when I was barely able to form the letters. Our shared enthusiasm for papercrafts - handmade cards and other remembrances - is still going strong. I spend most of my weekdays working at a computer (albeit luckily as a commercial interior designer - a job I love!), and while I enjoy the connection and communication available via the internet, I believe our world will be a bit less beautiful if we lose the ability to touch one another with our own handwriting, our own words in ink on paper.

My handmade cards are *all* one-of-a-kind, never-another-one-like-it original assemblages - and most are blank inside for your thoughts, musings, comments and doodles.

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